I’m Mackenzie Mckee

Co-founder of BodyByMac. I come from a background full of a fitness-loving family. We all have our own style of what we love and what we are good at. Every family gathering, we would have a workout competition first in my sister’s backyard gym where BodyByMac started. I grew up doing competitive cheer and cross country.

After having 3 kids via c-section, I was determined to keep up with my healthy lifestyle. I began to train for bodybuilding shows and during that journey, I gained a lot of knowledge and grew more patronage about helping others reach their goal. After doing one on one training for 2 years, I decided to design at-home workouts that people can do all around the world right from their homes. And that’s how BodyByMac came about.

I sold 10,000 of my first 4-week program and from there I've only gotten more to offer. After 3 years of teaching nothing more than at-home cardio and moving to Florida to grow, I decided to bring my fitness-loving Brother (trainer Zeke) into the business and my sister (trainer Kaylee and mom of four) into the business. I knew the 3 of us could use what we are good at and create the perfect combination of a good all-around fitness program.

Since I am best at cardio and yoga. That’s what I teach here. It’s a good way to help you burn fat and gain endurance. Kaylee is known for her love for strength training, she puts you through 2 amazing strength training classes a week. And Zeke pops in every Friday with a fresh muscle-building workout. Bodybymac is my life and I am so proud of all the lives I have helped transform. I truly care about my clients and my goal is to make programs that are super user-friendly and easy for busy moms like myself to do right at home. There should never be a reason why working out is too hard and unaffordable so we keep our prices low and programs easy to follow Just for you.


I’m Zeke Douthit